Happy 5th Blogoversary Stiletto Storytime

It’s so hard to believe it has been five years that Stiletto Storytime has been a part of my life. It’s been with me through so very much. It’s a testament to many things about me. It’s an outpouring of my love for the written word, an outlet for supporting authors, book bloggers and the act of reading in itself and as I have found in this past year especially; it’s a way to hold on to a piece of who I am in this crazy world when life tries its hardest to get the best of you.

I don’t often get too personal at Stiletto Storytime. Most the time I keep it simply about the books and that’s always seemed appropriate to me but I would like to share something on this momentous occasion as I reach the milestone of five years in this crazy book blogging world. You see Stiletto Storytime almost didn’t turn five. As many of you may have noticed there has been a definite decrease in posting in this last year. It’s something I apologize for and that truly bothers me as I consider my blog to be a very important responsibility and a pleasure because of the wonderful readers that I call my own. However there are other things in life that trump a blog in the big picture and chiefly among those is my family.

I never really sat down and considered why I read. For me it’s always been as natural as eating and sleeping. It’s just something I was born to do. However in the past year reading has taken on a whole new meaning for me…it has become a way to find answers to the most important of issues, to  reach decisions based on facts and at times a way to escape the world when I feel I have simply been handed way too much. You see in this past year my beautiful son who many of you have watched grow through Little Man Reads has been diagnosed with autism. This past year has been not only a struggle but absolutely the hardest I have faced in my entire life. At times reading and posting on this blog has not only been hard because of time restraints and his need of me but also in some ways it felt pointless. What did it all count for when my little man was so desperately in need of me? What did it mean when my world was coming crashing down on me as the most important thing in the world to me was in jeopardy? Why did I even bother?

The answer: it meant my identity. It meant a way to stay connected to who I am as a person and in that way to be a better mother to my son. Stiletto Storytime has been my outlet to the outside world at times. My friends and book buddies have been a support system and a cheerleading team. And reading…my dear old friend has given me the information and the power to know how to help my son and give him the best possible outlook for his future which I know deep in my heart is certainly bright. So this year I thank my blog, my readers and all my dear bookish friends for always being there. It’s because of you that I am celebrating five years here at Stiletto Storytime. And it’s because of you that I have hope for many more. On that note Happy Blogoversary Stiletto Storytime and as always…Happy Reading to All!


Filed under Autism, Contests, Reading Fun

15 responses to “Happy 5th Blogoversary Stiletto Storytime

  1. Margaret

    Happy 5th! Congratulations!

  2. Na S.

    Congratulations! Wishing you another great year of blogging 🙂

  3. Happy anniversary darling – and keep that pretty chin up! William is lucky to have such a dedicated & loving mommy. xoxo

  4. Woo hoo! 5 years is quite a milestone in blogging years! Congratulations!

  5. Happy Blogoversary, Courtney! I was not aware of your son’s diagnosis with autism, but you are absolutely right that your family comes first above all else. Needing an outlet for yourself is also entirely normal and essential considering the challenges that you are facing. I am sure that you will find the right balance and make sure that you also take care of YOU!

  6. 5 years is a long time! Congratulations. I hope life with your son will settle down to something well manageable.

  7. Wow, 5 years! Congratulations!

  8. stilettostorytime

    Thanks everyone…as always it’s lovely to hear your kind and encouraging words!

  9. Janis Rothermel

    Love it! Thank you for your efforts to keep it interesting and fun!

  10. Happy Blogoversary, Courtney! Here’s to another five years, at least!!!

  11. Courtney,
    Thank you for sharing this wonderful blog with all of us. As readers, you have enriched our lives with your insight and passion for the written word. But you are also an inspiration as a mother, and I know your son will thrive under your love and devotion.

    • stilettostorytime

      Thank you so very much for your kind words Mari…you have no idea how much they mean at this time especially since I know you do know the road we are traveling…you have made my night!

  12. This was such an inspiring post! I doubt you’ll hear anyone upset if you get more personal in your blog over the next five years 🙂 Here’s hoping they are wonderful!

  13. Christy

    Sending you hugs and happy 5th blog versary! My son is 17 and has autism so I understand. Just take one day at a time and it does get better. He is very lucky to have you.

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