About Me

I am a children’s librarian who loves reading just about anything and everything I can get my hands on. I’ve been that way since childhood when I would spend hours raiding my great grandmother’s book shelves in search of the treasures literature had to offer. I graduated from the University of South Carolina with a Bachelor’s of English fully intending to become a classics professor and yet somehow ended up with a Masters in Library Science with a specialization in children and public libraries. I LOVE BOOKS! And for that reason I love working with kids and introducing them to the magic of the written word especially those who might otherwise have never become readers. I love reading both children’s and young adult literature in addition to my own personal tastes. I am never without a book. However with the birth of my son I have left the library setting and become a stay-at-home Mom and now literally live and breath books in any spare time I can squeeze from the day.

I love Jane Austen and am a dedicated Janeite which I am sure will greatly come through in my blog. My most prized possession is my great grandmother’s copy of Pride and Prejudice.  I am also a proud member of The Jane Austen Society of North America.  (Please forgive me if I ramble about Jane….it’s an uncontrollable urge… and someday Austenism will be certainly labeled a disease or certifiable addiction.)

Future Mr. Darcy

Why Stiletto Storytime? Well a colleague of mine joked about my shoes when I first started as a librarian and it kind of stuck. Needless to say I am the kind of librarian who feels that you don’t have to wear clogs, Birkenstocks with socks or old lady flats to fit the job description. I can do storytime in heels….and with style! And don’t get me started on the cardigan, bun and glasses stereotype. (Although I do love cardigans).

With that said enjoy my stylish ramblings about books, kids, life and anything else that I can think of!

“Remember just like stilettos, reading is always in style.”

Want your book reviewed on this blog, have a new release coming out or just have some comments/ideas about the blog? Give me a shout! I love to hear from agents, publicists, publishers and/or authors about review opportunities or even just  information on new releases. I generally will review almost anything I receive and am interested in reading but I do make an effort to be completely honest in my reviews at all times. I also cannot guarantee reviews or review dates although I do try to do the best I can. However due to the sheer number of books I am pitched and sent….I cannot read or review them all. Please e-mail me if you would like a book reviewed, schedule a blog tour/ interview or offer to do a guest post! I am also a  reviewer for the  New York Journal of Books so any ARCs sent may additionally have their review posted on that site as well on their date of publication if possible.

Thanks again for visiting!


Please feel free to contact me at: stilettostorytime@gmail.com

Link to reviews for The New York Journal of Books

Links to past Children’s Book Reviews at Book Hive: Your Guide to Children’s Literature

Links to past Adult Book Reviews at Reader’s Club

All reviews and blog posts on this blog are copyrighted by Stiletto Storytime and cannot be reused without the permission of the owner of this blog. 

28 responses to “About Me

  1. Sara

    Thanks for giving insightful pointers on good reads! It’s hard to navigate through all the overwhelming baby stuff when you’re a tired, overworked, nervous mom to be!! Love your style 😉

  2. Elizabeth Martin

    Hey Girl! I love your blog! I don’t know how I missed it up until now. Neat!

  3. autonomousblogger

    I always thought I should have been a librarian in another life. I LOVE your baby’s shirt- I guess I am a Janette too. Thanks for all the good reviews.

  4. Hi Courtney,

    Thanks so much for your interest in reviewing my MG book, THE LIFE AND OPINIONS OF AMY FINAWITZ.

    I would be happy to submit your request for an ARC to my editor at Roaring Brook. Please send me your contact information as they will send it directly to you. You can either email me the information directly or at my website.

    I just do want to mention that the decision about where to send ARCs is pretty much out of my control, however. Whatever happens, I wish you luck with your website. It looks great.
    Laura 🙂

  5. daveyrh1953

    I designed The Yellow House website and got the review you posted from author and marketing. This is just the coolest blog. Great job. Much fun to read. And, since it is a dying passtime (or even duty), to have a website devoted to reading and literature and the like is almost 19th century. Lovely.

    • stilettostorytime

      Being called “almost 19th century” is an honor indeed. Thank you very much. I was also very honored to receive an e-mail from Patricia about my review…so sweet of her to take the time.

  6. It was cool reading about you. Who’d of thought? (I meant that in a nice way.)

    Greg Gutierrez
    Zen and the Art of Surfing

  7. autonomousblogger

    I need a couple recommendations for beach reads. We are off to Mexico on Friday and I just want some fun relaxing books…any suggestions?

  8. Hi,

    I was just checking out some of your links and your blog posts. You sure know a lot about kids books!

    I am going to be coming back here more often.

    Melina (from Twitter)

    • stilettostorytime

      Thanks for stopping by Melina! I love talking with you and finding out what you’re reading on Twitter!

  9. hope I’ll have a chance to meet you at BEA

    If you’d like to set up a specific time to meet, please let me know–I’d be happy to do so and walk you through our booth. Below is a list of our goings-on:

    Chronicle Books: BEA Booth #2641, level 3


    Limited edition CB tote bag, while supplies last — we’re handing them out each day at 9:00 and 12:00
    Worst-Case Scenario Junior “Gross” smoothie contest
    Shadow by Suzy Lee posters
    Prisoners in the Palace YA galleys/ARCs – you MUST pic this up! Historical YA fiction about the young Princess Victoria and the cover is dreamy (see attached)
    Other Goose by J.otto Seibold posters
    catalogs and postcards

    Author events/signings at the Chronicle booth:

    · Wed May 26th, 2:00-4:00pm, makeup artist Bobbi Brown signing Beauty Rules
    –meet and greet author & makeup artist, Bobbi Brown
    –autographed postcards with tips from the book
    –makeup demo

    Hope to see you there!


  10. Satty

    I was really fascinated by your site and words written by you. I have freally fallen in love with you.
    I am a working in a country in Africa, but in connection with my job I travel to many countries in Africa. Recently I was in TOGO, BENIN, CAMAROON & IVORY COAST. I have now picked up some french, earlier I was zero in French. I have travelled to UAE, QATAR & JORDAN also.
    With lots of good and best wishes,

  11. Hi–

    I spoke very briefly at the Book Bloggers Convention in NYC at the end of BEA, May 28th. We’re still reeling down here in Nashville and the need for books is great. I’ve partnered with a local agency to help with our book project, A Dry Read: New Books for Nashville. Please help if you can by blogging about the project and encouraging everyone you know to participate by sending us books! I’ve blogged about it on my page, http://www.rebeecabrothers.com. Please visit and pass along the news. I’d really appreciate it!

    Thanks so much-
    Becky Brothers
    Reader With a Capital “R

  12. Hi Courtney,

    I have a request: Will you allow me the rights to use your stiletto photo for my stiletto squad club in Honolulu? It’s a club to allow local women of Honolulu to support the community as well develop new friendships. It would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million in advance.

    Anna DeQuintanaRoo

  13. Love your blog, Courtney!! I’m so jealous that you get to be surrounded by books all day at your job too:) I look forward to catching your reviews, posts and giveaways in 2011. I just found this blog when I did a new search for things related to chick lit and literature and sure enough stilettos and stories fit the bill! Thanks for sharing with us all.

  14. I love the idea of a Librarian with some stilettos and class. That old sterotype seriously must be done away with. I’m offering a meet and greet giveaway, but the choices weren’t literary enough for leeswwammes 🙂 We’re a little bit of everything good, but I love to read, too, so there will be plenty of that. (I’m guessing you will like something in our header 🙂

  15. Love the quote! Love your picture! Love the baby! Love his shirt!

  16. sherrysoule

    Great blog! I couldn’t figure out how to contact you about reviewing my novel, but I’d be honored if you would consider it. 🙂


    Sherry Soule Official Website

    • stilettostorytime

      Thanks so much for visiting Stiletto Storytime Sherry! Just contacted you through your lovely website. Look forward to hearing from and possibly working with you in the future.

  17. Dear Stiletto Storytime,

    I’m currently seeking reviews for The Moon Coin: A Moon Realm Novel, a new ya fantasy adventure series featuring twenty-two full-color illustrations by Carolyn Arcabascio.

    Here’s the teaser: http://themoonrealm.com/2011/08/28/the-moon-coin/

    Here are the first two chapters for free: http://themoonrealm.com/2011/06/24/first-two-chapters-of-the-moon-coin/

    Here’s a free audio version of the first two chapters: http://themoonrealm.com/2011/10/23/free-audiobook-sample-of-the-moon-coin/

    If you’re interested, I’d be happy to gift you an ebook version from Amazon. The book is also available at Barnes & Noble, and the iTunes iBookstore.

    If you are interested, I also have a guest post available. It’s called “From Sketch to Chapter Art, an Illustrator at Work”. In it, I present three of the chapter art sketches by Carolyn Arcabascio for The Moon Coin, by Richard Due, side-by-side with the finished art work. Below each image I ask Carolyn a question about the drawing or her process. The piece runs 500 words. If you’re interested in seeing it in detail, I would be happy to email it to you.

    Thanks in advance for your time,

    Richard Due
    Gibbering Gnome Press, A Division of Ingenious Inventions Run Amok, Ink

    Press Kit: http://wp.me/P1BEjH-6Q.
    The images in the Press Kit are meant for print, so they’re quite large.
    Here are some links suitable for the web. Format them as you see fit:
    Cover: http://homepage.mac.com/slbooks/filechute/TMC%20Cover%20Web.jpg
    Author photo: http://homepage.mac.com/slbooks/filechute/author%20photo.jpg
    Illustrator photo: http://homepage.mac.com/slbooks/filechute/IllustratorMug.jpg

    http://TheMoonRealm.com Home of my upper middle-grade fantasy adventure series.

  18. Hi Courtney,
    I’m always thrilled when I find avid P&P fans like myself. My husband won’t watch the movie with me (which I’ve seen nearly 47 times) because he’s afraid he can’t measure up. He can’t. 🙂

    Anyway, I would be so honored to send you a copy of my debut novel, One Pink Line, for your review. If you would be willing to send me your email, I can forward you lots of useful info. Thank you!

  19. Hi Courtney,
    I’m with a literary agency and would love for you to review a new suspense romance e-book we’ve recently self-published. I would be happy to send you a PDF version to read. I look forward to hearing from you!

  20. Hello!

    I’m organizing an October/November Blog Tour to celebrate the upcoming release of my second Zephrum Gates book, “Zephrum Gates & The Strange Magical Treasure.”

    I’m looking for Young Adult Fiction Bloggers, Science Fiction People, Harry Potter Lovers, Parent Bloggers, Kid Bloggers, & anybody who likes a fun magical story. Would you like to do a book review, write a guest post — or participate in a fun giveaway?

    I can send out review copies of “Zephrum Gates & The Strange Magical Treasure” in a PDF format!
    Here’s a link to a Video Book Trailer I put together for it:

    And here’s a link to my Blog Tour Page: http://zephrumgatesblogtour-2013.blogspot.com/

    Let me know if you’d like to be part of my Blog Tour!
    Write me at Trishwich@hotmail.com — Thanks!

    Tricia Riel

Let's Talk....