Tag Archives: Book Giveaway Contest

Winner of the New Year’s Reading Resolution Blog Hop

The New Year’s Reading Resolutions Blog Hop is over. Thanks to everyone who entered and visited Stiletto Storytime. I had over 200 entries for this great giveaway which has encouraged me to giveaway a whole box of books a few times each year! So if you did not win this time…make sure to check back for another box of books and my other regularly scheduled giveaways.

The prize up for grabs in my New Year’s Reading Resolutions Blog Hop was a whole box of books (15-20) books with some specially selected titles just for you in your favorite genre. So without further ado…the winner is:

Lisa at Bookworm Lisa

Lisa will receive 19 books in the mail in a large variety of genres from poetry to romance to fantasy and even some science fiction. Lisa really enjoys young adult books and has two children who also enjoy reading young adult books. The books that I have selected for her specifically are below:

Trickster’s Girl by Hilari Bell

Beat the Band by Don Calame

The Gifted by Marilyn Kaye

The Secret of Ka by Christopher Pike

Thanks again to all who entered and Good Luck next time. Until then…Happy Reading!


Filed under Book Blogs, Contests, Middle Grade, Young Adult Books

Happy 4th Blogoversary


Happy 4th Blogoversary to Stiletto Storytime

Can it really be four years since I began Stiletto Storytime? In the beginning I was a young children’s librarian just out of graduate school…there I was sitting at the reference desk late nights, mildly bored at times and looking for a way to track my insane reading habits in a somewhat new and unique manner.  I love to read and I found a fantastic outlet for my passion in my profession. It has been the perfect career for a book addict such as myself.  Stiletto Storytime came about as an avenue to explore, learn and share my loves: libraries, storytime ideas and books most of all! Over the years I have left the library setting and even added my own little future reader to the storytime mix with the birth of my son but my love of the written word has endured. Stiletto Storytime is a testament to that. Thanks to everyone who has been a part of this splendid journey so far. Authors, publishers, fellow book blogging friends and my dear dear readers….I thank you for following me along in my literary travels! May the trip continue as every new book offers the possibility of being “the very best” for each of us. What more could you ask for?

To celebrate my 4th Blogoversary I am looking forward to sharing a few of my favorite things these next few weeks. We will touch on my favorite author Jane Austen with a fabulous guest post from another favorite author of mine: fellow Janeite Heather Vogel Frederick. Heather will share her own love of dear Jane and details of her Austen related travels along with an inside look at her own Pies & Prejudice and her latest children’s picture book Babyberry Pie. Did I mention the giveaways as well? Look out for a special Austen themed prize package, goodies from the always generous Heather Vogel Frederick and last but not least….I will be giving away a box of books!  That’s right a whole box of books straight from my shelves for one lucky reader. It’s my Blogoversary….and you’re invited! So make sure to follow along the rest of the month for lots of fun and chances to win some amazing books for your own library!


“A book is a gift you can open again and again.” ~Garrison Keillor



Filed under Contests, Events, Heather Vogel Frederick, Jane Austen, Reading Fun

Holiday Read-A-Thon & Mini-Challenge

It’s here…the Holiday Read-a-Thon sponsored by Liza at WhoRUBlog. I have really been looking forward to this event. I need a reason to sit back and relax with a stack of books just before the madness of the holiday season fully hits. I am browsing through some holiday reading selections and planning my reading time. And what better reason than reading to help others? For this read-a-thon I am pledging to donate a book to the local children’s home for every book I read.  A book for a book. Four days of reading to make your own schedule and go at your own pace. There are mini-challenges and giveaways with lots of great literary prizes and a wonderful opportunity to make a positive difference in the world in any way that you choose.


Also join us for the Holiday Read-a-Thon Twitter Party:

Sunday, December 5th night at 9PM EST & “Tweet” about your Read-A-Thon experience (#readathon)


Holiday Read-A-Thon Mini-Challenge

One lucky participant will win their own copy of Stork from author Wendy DelSol.

Family secrets. Lost memories. And the arrival of an ancient magical ability that will reveal everything.
“Sixteen-year-old Katla LeBlanc has just moved from Los Angeles to Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, Katla soon finds out that she’s a Stork, a member of a mysterious order of women tasked with a very unique duty. But Katla’s biggest challenge may be finding her flock at a new school. Between being ignored by Wade, the arrogant jock she stupidly fooled around with, and constantly arguing with gorgeous farm boy and editor-in-chief Jack, Katla is relieved when her assignment as the school paper’s fashion columnist brings with it some much-needed friendship. But as Homecoming approaches, Katla uncovers a shocking secret about her past — a secret that binds her fate to Jack’s in a way neither could have ever anticipated. With a nod to Hans Christian Andersen and inspired by Norse lore, Wendy Delsol’s debut novel introduces a hip and witty heroine who finds herself tail-feathers deep in small-town life.”


I am hosting a mini-challenge here at Stiletto Storytime in cooperation with the amazing Wendy DelSol. That’s right! And there is a special  Stork twist for this challenge. DelSol’s book is deeply connected to fables and myths.

(I won’t elaborate any further for “spoiler” reasons.)

Your mission if you choose to accept it: Make a traditional fable, myth or cultural tale part of your read-a-thon reading. It doesn’t have to be long and you can even read it online if needed. It may be a story you think you already know but have never read, a holiday tale cherished since childhood or a fable that has always sparked your interest but never been sought out. Then comment below and let everyone know what you chose to read and why. It’s that simple. With any luck many of us will get some great new ideas on traditional fables and cultural myths we may have never otherwise been exposed to and be able to add to our reading totals for this read-a-thon.

Remember to leave your e-mail address along with your comment. Mini-Challenge ends at midnight on December 5th. Winner will be notified by e-mail and announced here on Stiletto Storytime. Your fabulous copy of Stork will arrive from none other than the generous author herself. Thanks again Wendy for being a part of the Holiday Read-a-Thon! US and Canada addresses only please.

Good Luck and Happy Reading!


My Holiday Read-A-Thon Progress

Ivy and Bean: What’s the Big Idea? by Annie Barrows

The Transformation of Things by Jillian Cantor

Atlantis and Other Places by Harry Turtledove (in progress)

A Short Guide to Classical Mythology by G.M. Kirkwood (in progress)

Queen Hereafter by Susan Fraser King

Total Books Read : 3




Filed under Book Blogs, Challenges, Events, Girly Books, Young Adult Books

Review & Giveaway: The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Gross Junior Edition

https://i0.wp.com/www.chroniclebooks.com/images/items/9780811/9780811875707/9780811875707_large.jpg Two distinct things popped into my mind after reading The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Gross Junior Edition by David Borgenicht, Nathaniel Marunas &Robin Epstein.

#1: What a great book for a reluctant boy reader in the age range of 8-12.

#2 This is a book that may not make me very popular among the parent(s) of that 8-12 year old reluctant reader.

The book is everything the title claims..and most of all gross. I understand some people may have objections…do we really need to know all the alternative names for poop or have boogers, gas and burps classified? Well…maybe not. But that does not mean that it may be extremely fascinating to young boys the world over and may be the ticket to getting them to pick up a book! The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Gross Junior Edition also has another great thing going for it…it’s full of facts! Sure the facts may be gross but they are facts nonetheless which is another hit for that 8-12 year age group. Think the “Guinness World Book” stage that a lot of kids go through. I went through one myself and adore random facts to this day. I am a librarian. This book will satisfy that random fact urge on the grossest of levels, my husband was a fast fan (the male gender appeal seems to extend far beyond the target age group).  You can learn everything from the real truth about warts to the largest hairball ever removed from a human. That’s right, I said human not cat. Told you it was gross. It’s all you would come to expect from the great Worst Case Scenario series only gross and junior sized!

And thanks to the generous publisher Chronicle Books, one lucky Stiletto Storytime reader will get to be grossed out as well with their own copy of The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Gross Junior Edition. Read it yourself and share it with the boys in your life (both young and old)…they are sure to love it! Contest ends October 7th at midnight EST. Winner will be chosen randomly and notified by e-mail. To enter simply leave a comment with your e-mail address telling me who in your life would LOVE this book.

Also make check out the other stops on this books great Blog Tour:


Filed under Blog Tour, Children's Literature, Children's Non-Fiction, Middle Grade, New Books

Got Books? Want some?


Today is the day!! Stiletto Storytime is extremely excited to be taking part in this year’s Got Books? Event. It’s a celebration of all things books, what could possibly be better than that? Check out the event site for all the details as well as blogger and sponsor spotlights.  There are 108 blogs taking part and the prize list is amazing…. Speaking of prizes…here at Stiletto Storytime one lucky reader will win a prize package including:

  • Pretty Little Liars by Sara Shepard (the first book in the hit series)
  • An ARC of Sea by Heidi R. Kling with matching bookmark
  • An ARC of Runaway by Meg Cabot
  • An ARC of Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green and David Leviathan
  • Some other fun book related surprise SWAG (not pictured since it’s a surprise)

“This event is to celebrate book bloggers round the world..shine a light on their efforts, spread the word on their sites & have some bookish fun!”

Once again Big Thanks to Satisfaction for Insatiable Readers and There’s A Book for creating and hosting this great event exclusively for Book Blogs!

So make sure to visit not only Stiletto Storytime but as many of the 108 blogs as possible so you can answer “yes” to the question: Got Books?

So How Do I Win the Stiletto Storytime Prize Package?

To enter the giveaway for Stiletto Storytime please leave a comment below naming your favorite author (I’m taking a poll for a later post). US and Canada address only please. You do not need to be a follower to enter but you can earn two extra entries if you follow or tweet (please let me know with a link for Twitter). Also make sure to leave your e-mail address for notification. Winner will be picked by random number generator and notified after the event ends on July 24, 2010. Good luck to all! And as always:

“Remember just like stilettos, reading never goes out of style.”

P.S. You can also check out the post below this one for a chance to win a copy of Jackie Lee Miles’ Cold Rock River as well!


Filed under Book Blogs, Contests, Events, Young Adult Books

Snippets on a Sunday

Sunday has arrived and with it lots of little things I have been meaning to blog about but somehow never got the chance. ABC Family has finally given us a glimpse of our cast and start date for The Pretty Little Liars series. It will premiere on June 8th.  I can’t say that having read them from the very beginning I would have picked this series for TV but it should be interesting to see what they do and how faithful they are to the series written by Sara Shepard. She absolutely has enough twists and turns to keep things moving for quite awhile. Don’t forget the next in the series, Wanted will  be out June 8th as well. The original publication date was June 29th but it seems they have moved it up to correspond with the debut of the TV series.  The poster for the show is quite intriguing especially if you know the series….I will watch and see if it’s worth it..will you?I have been disappointed in the past with book to TV but I always hope for the best!

Also coming up soon is BLOGMANIA in which I will be participating. I am very excited about the opportunity to visit so many new blogs and also to have new visitors here at Stiletto Storytime and of course how can you forget all the goodies up for grabs! I hope you will swing by Stiletto Storytime for a chance to win a few goodies.  Also here are you Early Bird Reminders for BLOGMANIA to get you all set to go! I will have a post up on the 30th with instructions for my giveaway as well as a review of the book I am giving away! Drum Roll Please….


Stiletto Storytime will be giving away a copy of Pride and Prejudice and Zombies: Dawn of the Dreadfuls by Steve Hockensmith, a custom book plate for your new tome and  a cool set of magnetic book marks. Also if I can get it done in time, they will also receive a one of a kind Stiletto Storytime bookmark. That’s right…stand back I am getting a little crafty around here! So make sure you visit on April 30th and follow the instructions on how to enter in the contest for the BLOGMANIA giveaway here at Stiletto Storytime!

And last but not least I would like to thank Cate Masters for my very first blog award. She has gifted me with the Happy 101 Award! Cate is a wonderful writer of fantasy/dark fantasy, historical, contemporary and speculative fiction. You should check her and her work out! She’s also got a pretty cool blog as well. I am so very honored to receive this award from her. Tradition holds that I list ten of my favorite things and pass the award on to ten bloggers. So here goes…

Ten Favorite Things

1.) Freshly Mowed Grass Smell

2.) Clean Sheets

3.) Granny Smith Apples and Extra Sharp Cheddar Cheese

4.) Lavender

5.) My worn old copy of Jane Eyre

6.) White roses and White Lilies

7.) My Family

8.) Cupcakes

9.) Bubble Baths

10.) My Great Grandmother’s copy of Pride and Prejudice in which she wrote her name and the year she read it

And now I get to pass this wonderful award onto 10 of my favorite bloggers! This is so hard to choose but here goes! I have chosen blogs from a little bit of everything. Blogs I read daily, one holds spectacular contests, one is international, another is a great friend and they are all blogs that I watch and enjoy but each different and unique in their own way! So now I hope that you will check them out too.

1.) Joelle Anthony’s Blog (Author)

2.) Parajunkee’s View

3.) Austenesque Reviews

4.) There’s A Book

5.) Austenprose

6.) Me, My Book and the Couch

7.) Stainless Steel Droppings

8.) The Neverending Shelf

9.) Bronte Blog

10.) Sasha and The Silverfish


Filed under Books for Girls, Books to TV, Contests, Events, Girly Books, Young Adult Books

Jenn’s Bookshelf Mega Contest

Jenn’s Bookshelf is celebrating her 200th post with a super contest where one lucky winner will receive  over 20 books! And let me tell you there are some great ones! Just zip on over to her site and leave a comment to be entered or you can blog about the contest or twitter! What a great way to celebrate not only her love of books but a great blogging achievement!

Leave a comment

Filed under Adult Books, Contests