Once Upon a Time Read-a-thon Mini-Challenge & Giveaway

It’s time again for another Read-a-thon Mini-Challenge and this one is simple. Sorry it’s a little late getting posted but technology fought me all the way on making this feature a reality. I know we’ve all been there once or twice. But I do apologize. So on to the Mini-Challenge…It’s all about sharing your favorite authors and reads. Only with a twist.

Lately I have been thinking about how many foreign authors I have discovered recently and have come to absolutely love. One of my favorite authors is Thrity Umrigar– an author and journalist of Indian descent. I wait for her books like so many did for the next installment of Harry Potter or The Twilight Saga. I cherish each one. Some other favorites of mine are British author Jill Mansell and Australian author Lucinda Brant. If you’ve never read Lucinda Brant’s work, you’re truly missing out. She writes some of the best historical fiction I have ever read and I am so thankful to have discovered her work by winning a copy of one of her books through a giveaway at another book blog. So now with the help of the always generous Lucinda I hope to return the favor to another lucky reader.

The Mini-Challenge

Below in the comments simply share a foreign author whose work you adore. I personally am from the United States but we may have readers from all over so just make sure the author you share is from a country other than your own. Tell us why you like them. Are there any books by them in particular that you would recommend? How did you come across their work? The whole point is to share and allow us all to discover a new author that we might otherwise never have been exposed to..to literally open up a whole new world of books for one another.

The Prize

One lucky commenter will be chosen by random number generator to win a personalized signed copy of Australian author Lucinda Brant’s Midnight Marriage. The giveaway is open INTL and the contest will close July 11th at 11:59pm along with the Read-a-thon. You don’t have to be a part of the Read-a-thon to enter but there is a definite bonus if you are. Good Luck to All and Happy Reading!

Want extra entries? You can get an extra entry by doing any of the following:

Are you a reader in the Once Upon A Time Read-a-thon (+5)

Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime (+3)

Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime on Twitter (+1)

Be/Become a Follower of Author Lucinda Brant on Twitter (+1)

“Like” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (+1)

Tweet or Blog about this Giveaway (Please leave link in comments) (+1)


Filed under Adult Books, Challenges, Contests, Events, historical fiction, Reading Challenge, Reading Fun

56 responses to “Once Upon a Time Read-a-thon Mini-Challenge & Giveaway

  1. Ummm, does Bill Bryson count? He’s American but lives in England now, and I ADORE his books. My mum urged me to try my first one when I was only about 11 – A Walk in the Woods, if I remember rightly – and I’ve never looked back. I particularly like all his travel writing books, because they make me want to lace up a sturdy pair of boots and get out to explore! I also love Henning Mankell’s Wallander series, which is beautifully written and has such a flawed and loveable detective at its heart.

  2. I’m in the US and LOVE Australian authors/books. One of my favorite Aussie authors is Kirsty Eagar.

  3. I love Jonathan Coe, especially his books The Rotters Club, The Closed Circle, and What a Carve Up – they deal with growing up in England during the 70’s or life in England during Thatcherism in the ’80s. Good stuff.

    +5 I take part in the Once Upon a Read-a-thon

  4. I’m from Macedonia, so almost all of my fav authors are foreign 😉 but my #1 favourite is Neil Gaiman – he’s from UK and I absolutely love everything he’s written, I think he’s a brilliant author, even the Doctor Who episode he wrote last season was brilliant & the best Doctor Who episode ever 😀 I love his unique writing style & imagination.

    I discovered him accidentally years ago when I came across Stardust & read it & fell in love with it (I think I was still in high school). After that I’ve researched him & his work on the net, and read almost all of his novels through the years, some more then once (except for American Gods – it’s still staring me accusingly from my bookshelf) and a few of his graphic novels, so I highly recommend his books.

    As for favourite book, I can’t really choose, I love almost all of them, but Stardust will always have a special place in my heart because it was my first Gaiman book I’ve read 🙂

    I’m participating in the read-a-thon & I am both follower of you & Lucinda on Twitter as @Sandra_s_Page.

    Thanks for hosting this challenge & the giveaway 🙂

    • Isn’t he fantastic!? I just bought American Gods on Audible and I have been slowly reading Sandman. I got the huge graphic novel that has the first 20. Beautiful.

  5. Hmmm… Well I’m British and a read-a-thoner. Think I’ll go with Patrick Rothfuss who is an American fantasy writer and amaaazing! Name of the Wind and Wise Man’s Fear are DEFINITELY among my favourite books. Don’t be put off by the size of them, you’ll be disappointed when they end!

  6. I am from the US but I love JK Rowling and a new found author…Joanne Levy- Canada.

  7. Kazuo Ishiguro (Remains of the Day, A Pale View of Hills) is one of my favorites. He’s British, but of Japanese heritage. I am following you now on my google reader. (ps. you don’t need to add me to the giveaway).

  8. Count me in for autographed-by-author! You bet I’m in ‘Once Upon’. I’ll follow if you subscribe too; I need subscribers folks! For 9 extra prize entries, I’ll mention this in the following article.

    Phyllis A. Whitney, publishing like the wind!

    I’m proud of Canadian talent. Many reads happen to be from the US. A favourite from childhood is the late Phyllis A. Whitney. She began at 40 but created much; I still find YA scholastic stories and mystery novels after all these years! I cherish the quest. Now you can join her legacy too.

    My article tells why I love her but I’ll name some here. “The Trembling Hills” is epic! It draws you into the real San Francisco earthquake of 1906 but feels much more modern than that.
    I often skip YA but “The Mystery Of The Green Cat” is multi-layered, multicultural, and fantastic.
    A later great is “The Golden Unicorn from 1976. A career woman encounters a clue about her birth parents and this novel goes nothing like you expect.

    Ms. Whitney was talented at a distinct feel for a location. She was born in Japan, spent teens in China, but has American parents. She took her husband on vacation to any region she wanted to use for a book.

  9. SLove

    Oliver Jeffers, picture book author from Northern Ireland (now lives in Brooklyn). Writes and illustrates wonderfully inventive and cool books that bring a fresh air to books written for young tots. Some classics: “Up and Down” and “Lost and Found” (both a part of his Boy series). Think of that witty, rebellious cute kid who encouraged you to ditch prom and drive to Cincinnati to sneak into a rave club. Now picture that boy growing up to write and design picture books for kids. Got the picture in your head? -That, my friend, is Mr. Oliver Jeffers.


  10. Easy, easy — my answer is actually my favorite author of all time, Juliet Marillier, I’m portuguese, and she’s from New Zeland, so yay!! I can honestly recommend all of her books, to everyone. She writes historical fantasy for young adults and my favorite is Daughter of the Forest. Please read it, you’ll never be the same person again.
    I discovered this author by chance, one day when I went to the bookstore and the cover of one of her books called my attention… — I was very lucky that day. :3

    Extra entries:
    (+5) I’m a Once Upon A Time Read-a-thoner

    (+3) Follower of Stiletto Storytime (just subscribed via wordpress)

    (+1) Follower of Stiletto Storytime on Twitter — @Jen7waters

    (+1) Become a Follower of Author Lucinda Brant on Twitter — @Jen7waters

    (+1) “Liked” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (Carla Costa)

    (+1) Tweeted about this giveaway — https://twitter.com/Jen7waters/status/222785131298029568

  11. Pingback: Once Upon a Read-a-Thon ~ Goals and Updates « Cuidado com o Dálmata

  12. I chose Kristen Ashley who is from the UK. She’s originally from the US though. Does that count? LOL, if not, JK Rowling of course! You can read more in depth about my answer along with the blog post about the giveaway here: http://mzalisakay.blogspot.com/2012/07/once-upon-read-thon-day-02.html
    Also, I completed all the entries so +12 for me :0)

  13. I really like Markus Suzak even though I read only one of hist books. He’s an australian writer and you may know him as the author of The Book Thief. That’s the book I read and it’s on my all star list. I absolutely loved it, it’s breathtaking!

  14. p7

    Here is my answer: http://p7-books.blogspot.pt/2012/07/once-upon-read-thon-tuesday-june-10th.html. I didn’t think I was going to say so much about my chosen author, but her books get me enthusiastic! 😉

  15. The foreign author I would pick is Julie Harris. She is from Australia and has many books that are very entertaining. The one that has really reached out and touched me was No Exit. It is about a young woman who has seen the future and it involves the president of The United States dying. She must work with a team of Navy Seals to try to keep this from happening.

    This book is very emotional and full of suspense and love. I love the strong male character in this story especially because he is a Native American and also has a little special to him as well.

    This is my favorite book by Mrs. Harris but I have also read one of her other books, A Tear of Blood, a vampire novel in a very different way.

    I found Mrs. Harris’ books on Amazon and took a chance. I am really glad I did. I believe there is some really great writers in Australia and Julie Harris is definitely one of them.

    I would love for you to check out my updates to go along with Once Upon a Read a Thon.

  16. I’m going with Sophie Kinsella (I’m American, she’s British). Her books are just the right kind of light and fun, feel good books you need on a rainy day. And they turn into killer movies.

    I’m participating in the Once Upon A Time Read-a-thon (+5)

    I’m following Stiletto Storytime via Google Reader (+3)

    I’m following Stiletto Storytime on Twitter (+1)

    I’m following Lucinda Brant on Twitter (+1)

    I liked Lucinda Brant on Facebook (+1)

    I tweeted! https://twitter.com/leahmsilverman/status/222818708282806272 (+1)

  17. Oh this is easy! I’m from the US and one of my all time favorite authors is Juliet Marillier, an Australian author. I’ve read almost every single book she’s written and absolutely loved them all. She’s a fantastic writer and story teller. I became obsessed with her when I read Daughter of the Forest. So amazingly good! Her Sevenwaters series is phenomenal but again I love everything she’s written. I think it was an Amazon suggestion, so thank you Amazon!

  18. Joy

    I’m American, and I love Jasper Fforde who’s a British author. I’m insane about his Thursday Next series. It’s hilarious and smart and just quirky enough for me.

    I’m participating in the read-a-thon at Book Lagniappe

  19. mamabunny13

    Follower of Stiletto Storytime / mamabunny13
    mamabunny13 at gmail dot com

  20. mamabunny13

    Follower of Stiletto Storytime on Twitter @mamabunny13

  21. mamabunny13

    I Like” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook-mamabunny shelor

  22. Pingback: Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Day 2

  23. I just read ME BEFORE YOU by Essex, England author JoJo Moyes! OMGosh Courtney, it was FANTASTIC! It’s not YA, but the MC is twenty-six. She becomes the caregiver to a young man who is a paraplegic. The book doesn’t come out until Dec. 2012 in the US by Pamela Dorman Books, an imprint of Viking. (I received an ARC at the BEA) but please, put it on your to-read list! This novel will definitely impact you and I really hope it hits the NYTBSL – it’s that amazing. I can’t wait to read more of Moyes’s work. Of course, I’m doing the readathon, following you on twitter & will tweet this! 😀

  24. Lucinda Brant is my fav international author. Have been merrily jaunting off to Georgian times with her, only Midnight Marriage and Salt Bride remain to read. Juliet Marillier is a long time favorite fantasy-fairy tale Australian author I follow as well.

    Extra entries:
    (+3) Follower of Stiletto Storytime (just subscribed via googlereader as either Kitchen Witch of the West or Larisa)
    (+1) “Liked” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (already did before – how I heard about this giveaway)

    Thanks for holding a give away.

  25. I’m Canadian, and my favourite author is JR Ward, who is American. She is the author of the Black Dagger Brotherhood series. After I finished the Twilight series, I was on one of those websites where you get book recommendations: “If you like [insert name of book], you’ll love…” I plugged in “Twilight”, and this series popped up. I researched the series some more, and I saw that it was hugely popular. To be honest, the first book did not blow me away and I was a little disappointed. However, the second book in the series, Lover Eternal, is one of my favourites. I gobbled up the entire series (Books 1-9) last year, and I just fell in love with those bad boys with hearts of gold. Book 10 was just released in March 2012. The women in the series are so unlike Bella Swan (which was the only thing I didn’t like about the Twilight series). I love that they are all tough, kick-butt females! These books are not YA like Twilight, so they are definitely steamy! I highly recommend the series to lovers of paranormal romance!!

    darlenesbooknook at gmail dot com


    +5 I’m a reader in the Once Upon A Time Read-a-thon

    +3 I’m a Follower of Stiletto Storytime (email subscriber)

    +1 I’m a Follower of Stiletto Storytime on Twitter (@DarleneBookNook

    +1 I’m a Follower of Author Lucinda Brant on Twitter (@DarleneBookNook)

    +1 I “Like” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (Darlene’s Book Nook)

    +1 for tweeting about this Giveaway:

    Thanks so much for the giveaway and for hosting this mini-challenge!

  26. I am Finnish, but since I live abroad now, Finnish authors have become totally foreign to me. So as a great book by a foreign author, I would say Purge by Sofi Oksanen!
    I blogged more about the reasons why I picked this book and author: http://readdbooks.blogspot.fi/2012/07/once-upon-read-thon-update-and.html

  27. I am partial to Neil Gaiman (UK) & Terry Prachett (UK). I have been a reader of Prachett for years now. I love his Discworld series! Gaiman-the name speaks for itself!

    I blogged about this mini-challenge on today’s update at Reading After Bedtime.

  28. melissaseclecticbookshelf

    It’s a cliche but I have to say JK Rowling! I also just read my first Sophie Kinsella and loved it!

    Here’s my Readathon Post: http://melissaseclecticbookshelf.blogspot.com/2012/07/once-upon-read-thon-oureadathon.html

  29. I used to be a huge fan of European authors. Now I don’t know if I’m reading fewer or if I just don’t realize it since we are such a global society. I just finished A Discovery of Witches by Deborah Harkness. You can see my full OUReadathon post at Girl Who Reads

  30. Linda Thum

    I’m from Asia & I’ve not read any bks from authors in my own country (shame on me). Some of my fav authors are Lisa Kleypas & Tessa Dare but I recently read a debut book from an Australian author that has been one of my fav reads this year – Kylie Griffin & her Light Blade series (Fantasy Romance).

  31. Kirsty Eagar! I loved Raw Blue! She’s in Australia and is a brilliant writer!

    I’m a readathoner! Of course. 😉

  32. I’m from the US and am a readathoner as well! Hands down.. J.K. Rowling is my favorite. Love the Harry Potter series. Those books are originally the ones that got me into reading.

  33. Pingback: Once Upon a Readathon 2012 - Letters Inside Out

  34. For me, it’s Melina Marchetta for sure. She’s an Australian author, and has written JELLICOE ROAD, THE PIPER’S SON, FINNIKIN OF THE ROCK, and SAVING FRANCESCA. There’s only one word that can describe her novels – amazing 😮 If you haven’t read her books, I highly suggest you check her out!

  35. bettysunflower

    I LOVE Stephanie Laurens books! In particular the Cynster series, but I love them all. Most recently I have read her Cobra Series.

  36. Mary Preston

    I’m Australian & I have just discovered Jessica Spotswood, an American author. She only, so far, has the one book published BORN WICKED: Book 1 of The Cahill Witch Chronicles. It is so beautifully written. I feel privileged to be there for the beginning of what will be a great writing career.

    Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime (+3)
    “Like” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (+1)

  37. Pingback: Once Upon a Read-a-Thon: Day 2 « Tien's Blurb

  38. I’m American, and there are a few Australian writers I’m big fans of. Trudi Canavan and Karen Miller.

    I’m participating in the read-a-thon.
    I’m now a follower to both the blog and twitter (@thejessiebelle).
    I now follower Lucinda Brant on twitter and liked the facebook page.

  39. Oh this is a cheat for me! I’m a HUGE, HUGE, HUGE Terry Pratchett fan. I have to choose a book that has everything about Terry Pratchett’s writing that I love, and that is Guards, Guards. I started reading Terry Pratchett when my husband pretty much dared me to. He bet that I would fall in love with him. I didn’t trust my husband because HIS form of humor and mine are quite different but I thought why not try something outside of my comfort zone? It may be fun. Nine years later not only am I in love with his writing but I swoon when I hear a new book is coming out. I mostly enjoy the Discworld series but his satirical writing hits my funny bone every time, I’ll read anything that has Terry Pratchett’s name on it. Also an American like many here in love with someone from UK!

    Are you a reader in the Once Upon A Time Read-a-thon (+5) YES

    Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime (+3) YES

    Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime on Twitter (+1) YES

    Be/Become a Follower of Author Lucinda Brant on Twitter (+1) YES

    “Like” Author Lucinda Brant on Facebook (+1) YES

  40. Pingback: Once Upon a Read a Thon Updates | My Seryniti

  41. I’m in Malaysia(and am a readathoner) but I read ALL the foreign authors. I remembered my first real thick novel was something about a cat but I guess I can’t remember the author’s name since that book has long gone. I’ll pick Stephanie Perkins because she’s the one who’s got me LOVING(more like obsessed) YA Contemporary 😀

  42. I live in Singapore so most authors that I know aren’t from my country! But my favourite author, since childhood, will be J.K.Rowling, and there’s no doubt about that! The Harry Potter series are some of the BEST I’ve read, and they literally made up my childhood, literally 🙂

    Thank you for hosting this mini challenge!


  43. Cecelia Ahern. From Dublin, Ireland. I’m from the US and I absolutely love her. I first came across her when I saw PS I Love You with Gerard Butler and I fell in love with the movie and then found out it was a book. :]

    Are you a reader in the Once Upon A Time Read-a-thon (+5)
    Be/Become a Follower of Stiletto Storytime (+3)

  44. Currently my fave international author is from Ireland: John Boyne. He’s famous for “The Boy in the Striped Pajamas”, but I love his novel “The House of Special Purpose”, He intermingles history with fiction wonderfully!
    I’m from South Africa, so feel free to check out my blog for good South African authors. Rosamund Kendal, Lily Herne and Marita van der Vyver are wonderful authors to try!
    (+5: Reader in #OUreadathon)

  45. I updated my RaT post, here (hoping that actually makes a link)
    oh man, I forgot about Rowling!

  46. Pingback: RC: Once Upon a Read-a-Thon Update (2) « Reading After Bedtime

  47. stilettostorytime

    I cannot say how excited I am to get all your new author suggestions…I want to reply back to each and everyone of you…and I am going to try to over the next few days. I am so interested in the authors you chose to share and very excited to share one of my favorite foreign authors with another reader…so with no further delay our winner for this mini-challenge and the new owner of a personalized signed copy of “Midnight Marriage” is Novareylin! Congrats! Thanks again to all who shared and I hope you all had a fantastic read-a-thon!

  48. My favorite International Author since I am from the States is Cecelia Ahern. I am open to trying more.

  49. Pingback: Once Upon a Readathon 2012 – Letters Inside Out - a Young Adult book review blog

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