Stiletto Storytime: Guest Post at Jenn’s Bookshelves

Today I am honored to guest post at Jenn’s Bookshelves where she is having a wonderful event this October called Fright Fest! I was happy to share some of my favorite Halloween picks for kids that fall right in between spooky but not too scary…one of my favorites of course for the chapter book readers is Bunnicula: A Rabbit-Tale of Mystery by Deborah and James Howe. It’s always been a favorite of mine since childhood and a favorite pick for kid’s book club in October. So head over to Jenn’s for more info on Bunnicula as well as recommendations for all ages this Halloween season.


Filed under Children's Literature, Children's Picture Books, Events, Library Fun, Middle Grade

3 responses to “Stiletto Storytime: Guest Post at Jenn’s Bookshelves

  1. Thank you so much for doing the guest post!!

  2. OMG I was TOTALLY talking about Bunnicula the other day and no one knew what I was talking about. Those books were seriously the best!!!

  3. That’s a wonderful book. I’ve been reading … so cool

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